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Welcome to our site. This site is primarily for use by family members, although everyone is welcome to look around. Without a username and password, information about living persons is limited. Feel free to browse the site and search for your ancestors (don't worry, you can't beak anything).
Since I just recently started this project, some information is missing for a few people. If you see an error or have additional information, please send it my way. Your help will be much appreciated.
If you are a family member and need a password, please select "Register for a User Account" from the menu or select "contact us" to send email.
I hope you enjoy the site and find the information useful.
Steve Schuckman
Most Wanted - I am looking for information about these ancestors. Can you help?
What's New - View the latest updates made to the site.
If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.
18 Sep 2021 - Upgraded the software to version 13.0.4. May need to do a little fine tuning after the upgrade.